Wednesday, September 12, 2007

September 13

In the first century of the current era, Romans conquered what is now Great Britain. Shortly after the middle of that century, they built a series of fortifications in the middle of what is now Scotland. This was the Gask Ridge Wall. It has been said that ‘good fences make good neighbors’ and the Roman’s were apparently quick to take that maxim to it’s logical extreme changing it to ’good walls make good neighbors’ On the 13th in 122, construction of Roman emperor Hadrian’s Wall began in England. The wall is entirely in England, approximately nine miles from Scotland in the west, and 68 miles in the east. Roughly 40 years later during Emperor Antoninus Pius’ reign, Quintus Lolius Urbicus governor of Great Britain, began construction of yet another wall crossing that green and pleasant land, the Antonine Wall, this time it was built entirely in Scotland.


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