Saturday, September 02, 2006

September 3

On the entire planet, there are only nine countries smaller than San Marino, which was founded on the 3rd of September in the year 301 C.E. by Saint Marinus. San Marino is not only the oldest republic still in existence but it is among the smallest, ranking 223rd out of 232 recognized nations. The statistics however fail to take into consideration the many micronations that have declared their independence. Micronations like Terre d’riches and the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia prove that not everyone has lost their sense of humor. I think however that I would be just a bit reluctant to try to cross any international borders with a passport issued by the Purple Bunny Federation. The micronation of Sealand takes itself somewhat more seriously, but even they never really remove their tongue from their cheek but that’s what happens when you choose to squat on an abandoned gun platform in the North Sea off the coast of England.


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