Saturday, September 30, 2006

September 30

The 30th in 1888 was not the best day that either Elizabeth Stride or Catherine Eddowes had ever had. In fact, it was probably their worst day. In any event, good or bad, it was their last day. On that day, they became numbers three and four of the five confirmed victims of Jack the Ripper. Jack’s last victim, Mary Jane Kelly wasn’t murdered until November 9. After this, for a long time, any miscellaneous body part found floating in the Thames River (Several turned up there) and any corpse found inconveniently lying around London seems to have been attributed to Jack but none were ever confirmed as his victims. I’m reasonably certain that the t-shirts proclaiming “My friends went to London and all I got was this nasty cut on my throat” weren’t even printed by the time Jack’s trail went cold.


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