Introduction to August

--Thomas Babbington, 1st Baron Macaulay
It seems as if it was only 41 days ago that I found myself thrilled by summer’s grand entrance to the Northern Hemisphere. It probably feels that way for the simple reason that it was only 41 days ago. I yearn now for the carefree feeling of early summer. Life’s opportunities lazily stretched out all the way to the horizon. It was summer, there wasn’t much to be done, and we had all the time in the world to do it in. Now Labor Day has suddenly appeared, dead ahead, we have all sail set and there is a following sea as we careen towards the rocks at summer’s end. Upon re-reading that last sentence, it strikes me that I have absolutely no idea what it all means. I rather liked the way it sounded, however, and I thought I would throw it in. I think it sorta kinda maybe gets across the idea that we are nearing the end of summer, already! It really does not seem fair at all and if I could just remember where I put the warranty card, I would write a strongly worded letter to Life’s customer service department, even if it has been outsourced to Tierra Del Feugo or Mumbai.
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